Vedic Chanting

Passed down from teacher to student, Vedic chanting follows strict rules which ensures the mantra-s are chanted the same way now as in the distant past.

Vedic Chanting classes
Yoga Journey Adelaide offers one-on-one Vedic Chant classes in person as well as via Zoom and Skype. Details of group programmes on Vedic Chant, Yogic Philosophy and Sound in Yoga can be found on the Workshops and Events page.

Sound in yoga
Vedic Chanting is a vital aspect of Yoga practice and study. It is not only a practice in its own right, but can also be combined with other tools of Yoga (āsana, prānāyāma and meditation) to enhance their effect.
Using Vedic mantra-s, upaniṣad-s, śāstra-s (texts), śloka-s (poems) and bīj mantra-s, our focus is on sounds that pertain to Yoga philosophy, health and healing, protection and connecting with the inner self.